In SAP, we can maintain different materials under different categories. In order to place an order for these materials, there should be some customers. We can maintain customer’s information in SAP. Customers can be created in SAP using transaction code XD01. In this article, we will show how to create a customer master data in SAP and we will create a customer in SAP.
For this we would require complete details so that all the mandatory fields can be filled within the application. Some of the key fields are listed below, however, please check for any other mandatory fields within you SAP instance.
- A title such as Dr., Mr., Ms.
- Name
- Communication details such as telephone no., Fax, E-mail etc.
- Sales area data such as sales organization, distribution channel, division.
- Payment information such as bank account details.
- Contact persons.
How to create a customer in SAP
Below is the step by step process to create a customer in SAP. The steps also have associated screenshot with them so that it makes it easier for you to follow them.
Step 1: Launch the customer creation transaction code
- In the SD Master Data Screen enter transaction code:
Step 2 : Populate the Account Group
The account group contains what kind of customer are we going to create. The usual classification include Sold To, Ship To, Bill To and more.
- Select account group from the drop-down and enter customer number.
- Select sales area such as sales organization, distribution channel, and division from a drop-down menu.
Step 3: Entering the address details
- In the Address tab, enter the following:
- Under name section, Enter title, and name.
- Under search terms enter search term (key field to search).
- Under street address enter house no., postal code, city, country, and region.
- In our example title and name is Mr. Watson, search term as TS, the house number is xyz, postal code is 500060, the city is Hyderabad, the country is IN i.e. India, a region is 01 i.e. Andhra Pradesh
- Enter Communication details such as language, telephone, Fax etc.
Step 4 : Payment Details
- In the payment transactions tab, provide the bank account details like country, bank name, account number, account holder name etc.
- In our example country is IN i.e. India, bank key is ICICI, account number is 1234567890, and account holder name is test.
Step 5 : Adding the Contact Person(s)
- In the below contact person screen, we can add contact persons to that customer.
- In our case, a contact person named Ricky Ponting is added.
Step 6 : Entering the Tax Details
- In the below-billing documents, screen enters tax details. Click on save button. Then the customer will be created in SAP.
Customer relate tables within SAP
The following are the tables related to the customer in SAP. The section below also explains how to retrieve relevant information from the database.KNA1 table:
KNA1 – This table consists of a name, location i.e. complete address of a customer. In order to access KNA1 table enter transaction code SE16 in SD Master Data Screen. Enter KNA1 in table name field.
- Enter customer number in KUNNR field.
- Click on Execute.
- In the below screen we can observe customer information.
KNVV – This table consists of information about sales area of a customer. In order to access KNVV table enter transaction code SE16.
- Enter KNVV in table name field.
- Enter customer number in KUNNR field, sales organization in VKORG, distribution channel in VTWEG, division in SPART and Execute.
- In our example KUNNR is 2468, VKORG is 1000, VTWEG is 10, and SPART is 00.
- In the below screen we can observe the sales area assigned for a particular customer.
By following the above steps, you can create a customer in SAP. We sincerely hope that this was useful and any comment of feedback will be very helpful.
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