The knowledge-base module in SugarCRM allows the administrator/User to compose artifacts which can be reference to speed up the case resolution. These could be used either by the customers as a self service guide or by support team for know problems. This is a crucial aspect of SugarCRM customization and implementation if your company is looking at moving customer support to the platform.
It is very user-friendly to maintain knowledge base and it provides tremendous opportunity for collaboration in the customer service process. In this article, we will learn more about how to use this feature in details.
Every business has its own unique training module for an employee or a call centre representative and they are trained in every business product scenarios; on how to deal with a customer when they reach out on customer support, or any communication, and it is very important to provide a solution for a query as soon as possible if sales rep know the answers they provide a quick solution for a problem if not they need to look at the documentation for a solution for the queries, SugarCRM provides a knowledge base module to maintain all types of articles and important information and latest updates on the service provided by the business .
How to create Knowledge-base article
In this section, we see how to create a knowledge base article with details steps follow the below steps to create a knowledge base article.
Step 1: log in to Sugar instance with admin credential
Step 2: Navigating to the knowledge base
- Click on the drop-down and select “Knowledge Base” as shown in below screenshot
Step 3: Creating a knowledge base article
- Once you click on the knowledge base module you will navigate KB articles list and click on create
- The below screenshot shows the edit-view of the knowledge-base article. Highlighted fields are required to create article
- Enter the name of the article
- It shows the body of content area it includes feature like font size, bold text, align a paragraph and it is more than enough to structure an article is a good professional format
- It shows the status of the article the drop-down includes Draft, In-Review, Approved, Published, Expired.
- Draft: This status indicates the initial state and it is a version of an incomplete article or written work
- In-Review:- This status indicates the article is completed under review for the approval of higher team or decision-maker and indicates not to use till published
- Approved:- This status indicates that the article is approved and ready to publish for process
- Expired:– This status indicates that article is come to end of validity and it is not used further process
Step 4: Published an article in Knowledge Base
In the above steps, we have seen how to create a knowledge-base article. Now we will write an article and publish it. The screenshot shows the steps to publish the article and common editing tools
- Steps 3.1: Enter the name of the article
- Step 3.2: enter the article description and can use the common editing tools to format the article like align paragraph, Heading, font.
- Step 3.3: Select the status as “Published”
- Step 3.4: Click on the “Save”
- As shown in the below screenshot the article has been published successfully
Creating categories in SugarCRM knowledge base
Every article can be organized in category. We can categorize an article follow the below steps to care a category in KB module.
- Navigating to the category as shown in the below screenshot in knowledge-base module drop-down click on “View Categories”
- On click to “View Categories,” you will navigate to list-view, to create category click on “Create” button as shown in below screenshot
- On click “Create” category will be created enter the category name as shown in below screenshot
- The below screenshot shows the “Merchandise” category has been created successfully
How to assign a category to an article
- Navigate to the knowledge-base module and click the record as shown below screenshot and you recognize that category not assigned to this article
- The below screenshot shows the record view double click on the “Select” category merchandise
- The below screenshot shows the category successfully assigned to an article record
Benefits of Knowledge-base article module
- The knowledge-base article helps to solve issues and keep your customer happy
- Manage your client queries in a productive method
- It reduces the phone call support we can maintain the article in a category for a quick solution
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